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Showing posts from August, 2017

Five Tricks of Vector Ornaments Based on Stroke

Today you will learn all the secrets of vector ornaments. There are 5 tricks with decorative circular symbols based on the stroke. You will learn how to create such ornaments and I'll show some useful techniques. You can find all tips and tricks from my blog using this link → CLICK HERE Now you can see the ornamental structure. This is intricate vector stroke. But you can make a similar ornament yourself using the Free ProSpirograph Action for Adobe Illustrator. Free ProSpirograph creates circular ornaments from basic shapes fast and easy. See this video. If you do not have time to draw ornaments then download for free here: Free set of circular ornaments vector (Free License from VectorStock). Also you can purchase a big set of 100 circular ornaments on Creative Market for only $9 → 100 Editable Vector Ornaments. Now let's know all the secrets of these vector ornaments :) Trick 1 - Stroke Modifications Create or take any ornament form the set. Go t...

Illustrator Tips & Tricks #8

Hello! Meet our eighth useful trick for Adobe Illustrator. You can find all tips and tricks using this link → CLICK HERE You can create hatching in Adobe Illustrator easily. Select any object and go to menu Effect > Stylize > Scribble. There are a lot of options for this effect. So you can configure different hatching. Don't forget to go Object > Expand Appearance to turn this effect to a vector path. If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share! You may also thank me using referral links → CLICK HERE [Ru]

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: How to Draw a Cute Girl

Hi everyone! This is a tutorial for beginners in Adobe Illustrator. We will draw a cute girl character using simple shapes. There aren't any intricate techniques. Finally we will create an illustration in a flat style. Take the Ellipse Tool (L) and draw an ellipse without stroke. Use a beige fill. You can find some samples in the Window > Swatch Libraries > Skintones. We need more ellipses :) You can see that the eyes and nostrils are ellipses too. Copy shapes. Move objects by Selection Tool (V) and hold Alt to get copies. Now copy head shape ( Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V ). Pick black color for the fill. Then make another copy. I use gray color for it. Select both ellipses and click Minus Front in the PathFinder panel. The smile is ready :) You should move the smile to the face now. Draw the ellipse with brown fill. Send it to back ( Object > Arrange > Send to Back ). Take the Direct Selection Tool (A) and select top anchor point. Move it down sli...

How to Create Sketchy Weather Icons in Illustrator

In today's tutorial we'll draw sketchy weather icons on a paper note with a clip. First we'll illustrate a background with the Appearance panel. Then I'll show you how to create weather symbols and a paper note with a clip. Finally we'll add some text. Let's begin. Step 1 First of all we should draw the background. We will make it with the help of the Appearance panel. My New document size is 600 x 400px. Now add two new colors to the Swatches Panel. Use the Color panel to set the new color. Then drag and drop this color to the Swatches Panel. We will need these colors for the background. You can read full version of this illustrator tutorial on Check out all my tutorials from here → CLICK ME

How to Draw a Heart in Adobe Illustrator

Hello! This is a tutorial for beginners. We will draw a heart in Adobe Illustrator using simple shapes. The heart is a very common symbol. So it will be useful for any design or illustration. Take the Ellipse Tool (L) and draw a circle. Hold Shift button while drawing. So you will get a circle and not an oval. Make a copy of the circle. You can use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V . Align circles with the help of the Align panel. Select both circles and open the PathFinder panel. Click Unite to combine circles into one shape. Now take the Direct Selection Tool (A) and select the anchor point in the middle. Then pull down this point. You should to get the shape as on the picture below. Hold Shift button while pulling down. You can see two anchor points on the picture below. You should delete them. Take the Pen Tool (P) and click to the anchor point to delete it. You can use Delete Anchor Point Tool also. The bottom anchor point does not look very good. So take...

Illustrator Tips & Tricks #7

Meet our seventh useful trick for Adobe Illustrator! You can find all tips and tricks using this link → CLICK HERE You can see two kinds of interface of Adobe Illustrator: dark and light. The Adobe Illustrator interface was not always dark. Everything was light in the version CS5 and earlier. You can change the appearance of the interface in the menu Edit > Preferences > User Interface (Ctrl+K). Use Brightness option. If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share! You may also thank me using referral links → CLICK HERE [Ru]

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: How to Draw a Dancing Town

Hello! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create dancing houses by brushes in Adobe Illustrator. The final of this tutorial will be funny summer illustration. Funky music picture for some party or other events :) You can find all Illustrator tutorials from my blog using this link → CLICK HERE Let's build several houses first. You can use basic shapes for this. Triangles, rectangles and others. Three houses are enough. But you can create much more using such technique. Then add colour to your houses. It will be great to create some cute details as a little bird on the roof. Houses are ready! Now select one of them and drag and drop to the Brushes panel. Choose Art Brush type. Convert other houses into brushes the same way. Finally draw three curved lines. You can use Pen Tool (P) for this. And apply new brushes to these lines. You will get dancing houses. Magic :) You can use Width Tool (Shift+W) to make the roofs of the houses wide. Take the Width...