Xpiks is a free and open source keywording and uploading tool for microstockers. You can upload photos, vectors and videos by Xpiks. Mission of Xpiks is to provide microstock photographers and illustrators with free tool for everyday work over all major platforms as Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Xpiks provided FTP upload to predefined or custom hosts. XMP/IPTC/EXIF metadata editing. Support of StarDict dictionaries for translation. Auto completion of words in English. Extensive filtering and search though local files. Keywords suggestion based on services from Shutterstock, Fotolia and iStock or local library. Checks for potential problems before upload such as insufficient resolution, missing metadata etc. Spellchecking, autocorrection and semantical duplicates detection. And other useful features. You can free download Xpiks here → CLICK ME See more information on the official website xpiksapp.com If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share! You may als...