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Showing posts from July, 2017

Illustrator Tips & Tricks #6

Meet our sixth useful trick for Adobe Illustrator! You can find all tips and tricks using this link → CLICK HERE You can see the Bounding Box in the picture above. You can have some problems with transforming of the object if the Bounding Box like a diamond shape. Reset it to avoid problems (Object > Transform > Reset Bounding Box) and be happy :) If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share! You may also thank me using referral links → CLICK HERE [Ru]

How to Prepare and Save Vector Files for Microstocks

Hello everybody! This is a very useful article for beginners on microstocks. You will learn how to prepare and save vector files in Adobe Illustrator. There are technical requirements for illustrations on microstocks. Vector illustrations with errors will be rejected. Technical requirements 1. EPS-10 or 8 format for vector file. 2. JPEG preview of vector file (about 25 megapixels). 3. No open paths, isolated points, unpainted objects. 4. No Symbol Instances. 5. No Type Objects, Pattern Objects, Brushed Objects, Styled Objects. 6. No Linked Images and Embedded Images. 7. No Effects. 8. No objects outside the Artboard. You can inspect your vector file using the Document Info panel (Window > Document Info). Select all (Ctrl+A) and set the Objects in the settings. Now you can see all the information about your illustration. 3 open paths and 2 brushes in this example. Such mistakes must be corrected in the file for microstock. You can use Stock Master script...

Flat Character Design - Adobe Illustrator Course

Learn how to draw characters in Adobe Illustrator. The speed art course by Mark Rise will help you. Mark draws in Flat style. This type of drawing doesn’t even require experience. You’ll use three geometric forms to draw everything. With this technique your drawing can’t look bad. Enjoy! Course Plan: 1. Character Design, Flat Design Tutorial in Illustrator. 2. Adobe illustrator tutorial, Learn how to draw a flat character. 3. Character Design, Flat Design Tutorial. 4. King Illustrator Tutorial. 5. How to Draw a Character Turnaround - 4 Different Poses. 6. Graphic Design Illustration Tutorial. 7. Cowboy Flat Design Tutorial. 8. How To Draw Poses in Adobe Illustrator. 9. Easy 2D Game Design Tutorial For Beginners. 10. Game Characters Design Tutorial. Character Design, Flat Design Tutorial in Illustrator Adobe illustrator tutorial, Learn how to draw a flat character Character Design, Flat Design Tutorial. King Illustrator Tutorial How to Draw a Character Turnaround -...

Stock Master Pro Illustrator script

Present to your attention new Stock Master Pro script for Adobe Illustrator. The Stock Master can prepare and save vector illustrations for microstocks automatically. There are EPS-10 (8), Ai, JPEG, PNG file types. Correcting technical mistakes in a vector file and much more. See this video. Characteristics of the script Stock Master Pro: - Settings for scanning a file; - Automatic mistakes fixing; - Saving as EPS, Ai, JPEG, PNG; - Sizes for all file types; - Set directory for saving; - Multi-Artboard file support; - Emergency stop; - Compatibility Adobe Illustrator CC, CS6 (Windows and Mac); - Improvements in the interface and performance. You can see User Guide by this link - Stock Master Pro User Guide (Eng) The script costs only $ 14. You can buy it on the site If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share! You may also thank me using referral links -> CLICK HERE

Adobe Illustrator Mini Course

Here you can take a free Adobe Illustrator training course created by Dansky (Daniel White). There are 7 short tutorials. You are welcome :) Course Plan: 1. How to Repeat Patterns in Illustrator. 2. How to Scissor Tool Shapes in Illustrator. 3. How to Design a Logo in Illustrator. 4. How to Design a Spartan Logo in Illustrator. 5. How to Wrap Text in Illustrator. 6. How to Design with Brushes in Illustrator. 7. How to Design a Logo with Shadows in Illustrator. How to Repeat Patterns in Illustrator In this tutorial we'll be learning how to repeat patterns in Adobe Illustrator. How to Scissor Tool Shapes in Illustrator In this tutorial, we'll be learning how to use the scissor tool to cut and divide paths in Adobe Illustrator. How to Design a Logo in Illustrator In this tutorial we'll be learning how to design a logo in Adobe Illustrator. How to Design a Spartan Logo in Illustrator In this tutorial we'll be learning how to design a Spartan logo in Ado...

Illustrator Tips & Tricks #5

The fifth useful trick for Adobe Illustrator is ready! See all tips and tricks by this link -> CLICK HERE You can make a circular ornament using the Pattern Brush. This is a very quick and easy way. How to do it: 1. Make a piece of the pattern. 2. Drag and drop to the Brushes panel. 3. Select the Pattern Brush type. 4. Apply the brush to the circle. Also beautiful circular patterns can be made using the Live Mirror Templates. If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share! You may also thank me using referral links -> CLICK HERE [Ru]

How to publish a vector image on a website or blog

Do you know about a format of images as SVG? Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. Such vector image can be published on the Internet on a website or blog. This is cute cartoon cow :) Vector image - SVG. You can zoom in to check. Quality is perfect! Also you can download this image directly from the page and open SVG file in Adobe Illustrator. How to do it: 1. Create any image in Adobe Illustrator then save vector SVG file. 2. Download this SVG to the Dropbox or to the hosting. 3. Use img src HTML code to insert SVG image. Sample: <img src="LINK-TO-SVG" > All is ready! :) If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share to SNS! You may also thank me using referral links -> CLICK HERE

Illustrator Tips & Tricks #4

Meet our fourth useful trick for Adobe Illustrator! You can find all tips and tricks using this link -> CLICK HERE There is very important Document Info panel in the Adobe Illustrator. Window > Document Info to open the panel. Then select all (Ctrl+A) and set the Objects in the settings. Now you can see all the information about your illustration. 3 open paths and 2 brushes in this example. Such mistakes must be corrected in the file for microstock. You can use Free Stock Master script to fix mistakes. If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share to SNS! You may also thank me using referral links -> CLICK HERE [Ru]

New Vector Inspector Plugin is available now

Do you remember the old Vector Inspector plugin which fixes mistakes in vector illustrations for microstocks? The plugin is very useful. But it was made for the Adobe Illustrator a long time ago. There were no any updates. Unfortunately it does not work in the new Adobe Illustrator CC. Is this the end of the Vector Inspector plugin? Can we change destiny? And we have such opportunity! A team of young and ambitious developers has already started creating new Vector Inspector plugin for Adobe Illustrator. Here you can observe the development: Vector Inspector Pro - Ai-plugin for fast checking of the vector illustrations. You can free download Vector Inspector Pro plugin here: VIP developers page Installation: drag and drop the AIP file to the plugin folder. C > Program Files > Adobe > Adobe Illustrator > Plug-ins This project funded like the Crowdfunding. Join if you have the opportunity. And you will get the new version first of all. $ 10-30 is enough. Skr...

How to Illustrate a Retro Speech Bubble with the Spiral Tool

The retro theme is very popular today. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a speech bubble in a retro style. We will draw a speech bubble with the help of the Spiral Tool and add a grunge background. So let's jump in! Step 1 Create a new document (Ctrl+N) . The width and height should be 600 px . Select RGB Color Mode in the advanced options. Now we can start drawing a speech bubble. Take the Spiral Tool and left click your mouse to any place on the workspace. Set properties as shown in the image below. Then click the OK button and you should get a spiral. You can read full version of this illustrator tutorial on Check out all my tutorials from here -> CLICK ME

Illustrator Tips & Tricks #3

Meet our third useful trick for Adobe Illustrator! You can find all tips and tricks using this link -> CLICK HERE You can set hotkeys in Adobe Illustrator for any functions using the Actions panel. In this way you can program a sequence of steps and set Function Key (F2-F12 +Shift +Ctrl) . Or using it for Pathfinder panel operations. Note the function in the Actions panel menu - Insert Menu Item . It is useful when the action is not recorded by the Begin Recording option. If you like this article, please leave a comment here or share to SNS! You may also thank me using referral links -> CLICK HERE [Ru]

How to Make a Blurred Vector Background in Adobe Illustrator

There are many ways to make a blurred background in Adobe Photoshop. But this will be a bitmap image. So we should use Adobe Illustrator to get 100% vector picture. Raster effects are not allowed too. You will learn all the secrets of the blurred background in Adobe Illustrator from this tutorial. I'll show you 4 ways to make a blurred background in Adobe Illustrator. The final image will not contain any raster effects or parts. 100% vector illustration. So you can sell such illustrations on Shutterstock or other microstocks. Let's go! 1. Using Mesh to Create Blurred Background First of all you need a source file for your blurred background. You can use a photo for example. I took the photo from my India journey. Drag and drop your photo to the Illustrator window. You can use Illustrator menu File > Place too. Select the photo and go Object > Create Gradient Mesh . Set checkbox Preview and settings for Rows and Columns . You should click OK bu...